Scientists Have Found a Way to 'Tattoo' Living Cells With Gold
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Tattoos are designs imprinted on the body by injecting ink with needles just under the skin. But recently, scientists at Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland) are working on a different sort of "tattoo". They have created technology to label a cell and not with pictures but with gold particles. They are doing this not for pretty designs, but to "monitor and control the state of individual cells and the environment surrounding those cells in real time". How is this labelling done?
How would you lay out a grid of sensors in an organized pattern on the human body? Think of placing a net on your skin, and at every place where the fibers cross, there is a sensor. Place that on the arm, back, or wherever, and the sensors can measure temperature, hormones (like insulin), blood flow, etc. Or do it with very thin circuit boards. But that's on skin. Below is a 10-year-old prototype of a skin-mounted sensor to measure body temperature, blood pressure, and electronic signals from muscles or the heart.
There are many technologies that implant such circuitry on the skin, or just under the skin like this one from Dermal Abyss that changes color when pH or glucose or albumin levels in the body change.
This type of technology has even been designed to fit deeper in the body. Here is a picture of sensor circuitry attached to a rat brain.
What about going much smaller to the level of marking an individual cell? David Gracias of the Johns Hopkins University team said that if cells could be labeled with sensors, they could be used to not only monitor cells but control them in some way, maybe even control their environment, too. No further details were given.
Laying a network of electronic sensors on something as small as cells requires more precision than on or under the skin. Just how do you make them stick and not kill the cell in the process?
The technology is called nanoimprint lithography (NIL). Regular lithography is done with drawings on stone (litho-) using oil or greasy utensils, and when paper is placed on top and pressed firmly, the recording (-graphy) copy is transferred to the paper. See the short video demonstration below.
All of this merely shows the feasibility of affixing metallic material in an organized array directly onto living cells. None of the nanodots performed any function, nor were they connected by wires like circuits in the picture of the rat brain. But this lays the groundwork for such a thing at the microscopic level. As Gracias said, "It's the first step toward attaching sensors and electronics on live cells." This could be used by doctors to hypothetically track the health of isolated cells, and potentially identify, diagnose, and treat diseases sooner than is done now.
Gracias and his team have also labeled fibroblasts with small sheets of gold wires. You can see two cells moving about with them in this short video (time lapse of 16 hours). They don't seem to be moving any differently than unlabeled cells.
Fibroblasts are the most common type of cell in the connective tissue of our bodies. They are not only useful in the body's structure but also for healing of wounds. They are routinely used in many types of research experiments. It's not known why the Johns Hopkins researchers chose them for their first cell experiments, but they expressed interest in labeling other types of cells for future work.
Here is a 4:36 video from MIT that shows how some gold tattoos can be used decoratively or functionally (to control smartphones or computers, or to show body temperature).
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